With the overall creative direction of Alberto "Beto" Cocytus and Hernan Jauregui and address via Luciano Podcaminsky Landia, spot the new Volkswagen Polo is an ode to those who come to the forty enviable way. The commercial, which uses a cover version of the Alphaville song "Forever Young", is also an incentive for everyone to do the same.
The ad features scene after scene of middle-aged men encountering peers so well-preserved they make their own dad bods stand out in relief: the suave gent who strides into his high school reunion, the DILF who picks his daughter up from school, the buff guy at the gym who can tackle double the weight of his younger counterparts or the soccer player who might even be sexier than Messi.
HD version after the credits...
Creative Credits:
Ad Agency: DDB Argentina
Executive Creative Director: Beto Cocito, Hernán Jauregui
Creative Director: Facundo Varela, Adrián Piattioni
Account Supervisor: Graciela Combal
Account Executive: Manuel Quintana
Head of Production: Claudio Migliardo
Producer: Micaela Picco
Production Company: Landia
Director: Luciano Podcaminsky
Executive Producer: Adrián D'Amario
Producer: Diego Dutil
DOP: Demian Rodenstein
Art Director: Daniela Podcaminsky
Vestuarista: Delfina De Forteza
Line Producer: Ludmila Herms
Post: DA8
Post Coordinator: Julián López Coppola
Editor: Alejo Santos
via: Creativity-Online & Adlatina.com