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Video: Google & The Circular Economy

Google's data centers are achieving zero waste, leading in energy efficiency and run on renewable energy. All part of our commitment to making a positive impact on the environment.

Google confirmed its plans to move away from an “unstable” linear economy and divert all of its waste away from landfill “to a more sustainable pathway”, with no more than 10% of its waste going to an energy to waste facility.

Google’s vice president of global operations Jim Miller wrote: “Ultimately, this massive shift requires global businesses to lead the way to reduce our dependence on primary materials and fossil fuels. But the good news is, a shift like this isn’t just good for the environment, it’s good for bottom lines.

“Becoming circular is something we hope all companies will commit to, together. It is certainly a challenge to change in the way we make things and use them, but it's not impossible. And, in the end, it pays—in our own bottom lines, in our broader economy, and in the environment we all share together.”

via: green.googleblog