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Irreverant & Playful Pescatarian Campaign for Legal Sea Foods via Devito Verdi

Ad agency DeVito/Verdi and its client Legal Sea Foods want you to go “Pescatarian.” They turned to the talents of KIND Editor Anthony Marinelli for their lighthearted, new campaign extolling the virtues of seafood.

The tongue-in-cheek campaign positions “Pescatarianism” as an impressive and perhaps more appealing faith than other more established religions. TV, print and radio ads urge consumers that "It's time to convert, it's time to become Pescatarian" after humorously showing how the Pescatarian way of life trumps many of the famed traditions and miracles proudly worshiped by the world’s religions.

“Working on Legal Sea Foods was a blast,” says KIND Editor Anthony Marinelli. “The spots were very simple from an editorial standpoint, just being single-takes with supers and music, but the concept was edgy and funny in the way that makes you say, ‘Did they really say that!?!’ The creative team from DeVito Verdi was amazing. Overall, it was a very fun project to work on.”

"I love this campaign,” adds KIND Executive Producer Wendy Rosen, also a famed Editor herself. “ It's irreverent in a playful way."

Creative Credits:
Agency: DeVito/Verdi
Creative Director: Sal DeVito
Copywriter: Barry Flanik
Art Director: Manny Santos
Agency Producer: Barbara Michelson
Digital Team: Lauren Reddy, Yasmin Elgibali

Editorial Company: KIND
Editor: Anthony Marinelli
Executive Producer: Wendy Rosen