Jingle Butts—is an original arrangement from Perez’s Madrid-based jazz-fusion band PATAX. In the performance, Perez is shown intricately drumming on the behinds of various men and women at Zulu (although it’s hard to tell the difference when they're the drum "skins"). Zak Mroueh, Zulu founder & chief creative officer, got behind the camera in more ways than one as director and participant. Or did he? You be the judge.
In support of Colon Cancer Canada, Toronto based ad agency Zulu partnered with world-renowned Spanish percussionist Jorge Perez from the jazz-fusion band PATAX to create a cheeky, holiday-themed video. As “equal bum opportunists”, both male and female bums were used. Zulu has also made a generous donation to Colon Cancer Canada and you should too!
Creative Credits:
Ad Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo, Toronto, Canada
Creative Director: Zak Mroueh
Art Director: Jamie Mageau
Writer: Kaidy Wong
Agency Producer: Tara Handley
Account Team: Maya Adler
Director: Zak Mroueh
Cameraman: Albert Huh
Production House: zulubot
Editing: zulubot, Jay Baker
Print Producer: Kari Macknight Dearborn
Studio Artist: Greg Heptinstall
Design Director: Omar Morson
Graphic Designer: Ryan Booth
Colourist, Transfer: Marc Bachli / Pixel Underground
Sound Design: Cylinder Sound
Audio Director: Brad Nelson
Engineer: Brandon Unis
Sound Recordists: Chris Waugh, Joshua Mancuso
Music Produced by: PATAX
Song Arrangement: Jorge Perez
Percussionist: Jorge Perez
Vocals: Alana Sinkey