The new adidas spot “Not Made For Normal” directed by John Christopher Pina is the latest spot in a successful campaign produced in close collaboration between adidas Brand Design and Miniac Films. The first spot, which launched earlier this year, focused on adidas Climachill’s cooling technology revealed in a quietly beautiful look at how technology and determination keep people moving in high temperatures. “Not Made For Normal,” was filmed in Santiago, Chile and in the Andes, and features world-class, champion athletes Brianna Felnagel, Sharika Nelvis, and Jason Richardson performing at their highest level in brutally cold conditions with the help of adidas Climaheat.
“The Clima family of products are built for extreme weather and a certain kind of athlete; the kind of athlete that doesn't want weather to get in the way of their training or sport,” explains adidas Brand Design Creative Director Nick Cline. “That is how we came to the idea of 'Not Made For Normal." That's also why we chose to use Miniac Films to help bring this idea to life in both our films. They aren't your normal filmmakers.”
With each endeavor, adidas Brand Design's Nick Cline and Miniac Director Pina operate as an interconnected team, purposefully breaking down barriers between creative concept and execution for a more seamless and cohesive result. “Nick has an incredible film aesthetic,” explains Pina. “His knowledge of the process allows us to play without a lot of back and forth explanation or rationale behind a particular scene-- it's symbiotic. Working with Nick and the adidas crew is so fulfilling for a filmmaker because they are always trying to explore new ways advertising can inspire a viewer. It's honest and passionate.”
“John always listens to the needs of the client and figures out a creative way to solve for it. I never feel that we are ever fighting to get our ideas across; It's one vision. We pick cinematographers together, storyboard and scout together, bounce tracks back and forth. It goes on and on until the film is done. He brings the best out of everyone on the crew, including myself. Our mutual trust allows for candid conversations and keeps the work honest. That's really important to both of us.”
In “Not Made For Normal,” black and white footage of the athletes’ performance in this wintery setting strikes at the heart of the conditions dedicated athletes endure and also serves to distinguish the narrative from the product shots. The action sequences, striking, intense, and often fast-paced, contrast with the considered, slow motion product scenes, to convey the feeling that despite rough conditions you can always count on the product's technology.
“It was amazing to witness the athletes’ grasp the project's intention, and, with that, their willingness to run in freezing temperatures in the middle of the Andes, smiling and laughing the whole time,” recalls Pina. “Being able to travel the world and collaborate with people you admire is everything.”
Following the exhilarating shoot, the team returned to Miniac Films for creative editorial and final delivery. “Not Made For Normal” is being featured on digital and social channels, as well as in adidas retail stores.
Creative Credits:
Client: adidas
Brand Marketing: Stephane Viarnaud
Advertising Agency: adidas Brand Design
Creative Director: Nick Cline
Producer: Nelleke Rekers
Production Company: Miniac Films
Director: John C. Pina
DP: Joshua James Richards
Executive Producer: Stephen Roesler
Producer: Rogers Marquess
Editor: Niles Howard
Sound Design Company: Vaudeville
Sound Designer: Zach Goheen