On June 10th 2016, Euro 2016 kicks off in France. A competition in which the Red Devils (the Belgian National Football Team) will certainly go far. Something no true Belgian football supporter will want to miss. That’s why Love Condom, a Belgian condom brand, has just launched an ad campaign aimed at all football supporters. Its objective is to remind every football supporter that Euro 2016 starts in exactly 9 months, and that if they don't want to follow it from the maternity ward, they should be using condoms now.
The commercial shows Philippe, a Belgian football supporter, who had to miss the Red Devils’ epic achievement in Mexico in 1986 because he had just become a father.
In addition to this commercial, a sampling promotion took place during the match between Belgium and Bosnia-Herzegovina which will help to guarantee that all true supporters will be in front of their TVs in 9 months’ time.
Creative Credits:
Ad Agency: BBDO Belgium
Creative director: Sebastien De Valck, Arnaud Pitz
Art Director: Frédéric Zouag
Copywriter: Nicolas Gaspart
Tv Producer: Patricia Van De Kerckhove
Director: Fred De Loof
Production company: Witloof productions
Account Manager: Lore Desmet
Account Director: Isabel Peeters
Social Strategy: Stefan Ceunen
Client: Love Condom, Remed Pharma
Client contacts: Géraldine Wirtz