Brand Yourself was a fun personal project created by GearBox Studios Muhammad Seddique and Wessam Elqushairy.
People buy what you show not what you know.

GearBox Studio shares more about this fun project with us:
“ Many people believe that having a successful career depends on self improvement, experience, positivity, problem solving, discipline, team-play, etc. But, what would you do if you discovered that this list is not enough, when you watch people with mediocre talents and less experience bypass you.
Many people are disinterested in personal branding. But, we must accept the fact that we are living in a highly competitive world, and the only way to survive this competition is to work on our image alongside our skills. we must admit that success comes from self-packaging and it is not limited to the appearance and knowledge of the person.
BRAND YOURSELF is a personal project by GEARBOX STUDIOS, aims to create series of images that reflects the concept of personal branding.
Muhammad Seddique the Creative / Art director of the project, draw the first sketch inspired from his studies in branding, and his discussions with many people about the employment market in Egypt. Muhammad met many frustrated talented and hard working people, who were confused about how to succeed in the market.
After brainstorming with Gearbox founders and photographers, Ahmed Zedan and Khaled El-Dash, The idea was developed to a series of images, describing the current market reality as it appears in the eyes of the artists, something that people would look at from different perspectives, something that would make people think!.
The artists started with designing the packaging, branding, colors and data on each pack. They used ironic messages beside each character, they wanted the audience to see how we became misjudged and underestimated when we neglect working on our personal branding.
The artists planned each visual with Gearbox’s CG Lead Artist Wessam Elqushairy. Each visual carried a feeling and a story that needed to be told through the details of each perspective, lighting, shaders and mood colors.
At the shooting day, matching the camera angles and lighting with the already executed visuals, this was the main concern Khaled and Ahmed were working on, and they were succeeded. They also made sure that face expressions of each model communicats the concept’s main message “choose me!”.
Finally came the process of compositing and creative retouching, putting the final touches to the project.”
Creative Credits:
GearBox Studios
Muhammad Seddique and Wessam Elqushairy.