Have a Seat on the Android KitKat custom made billboards created by JWT Amsterdam
The creators of the world’s most popular mobile platform have teamed up with the world’s biggest food and beverage company to name the next release of the platform ‘Android Kit Kat’. To celebrate this collaboration, JWT Amsterdam created a campaign, which fits seamlessly with both brands. We placed special outdoor ads at various locations in Amsterdam and Utrecht. Then we simply invited people to have a break, by sitting on the special bench we’d placed on the ad. Anyone who was having this special break at the given moment on Saturday, September 14th, won a new Nexus 7 tablet.
Advertising Agency: JWT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Executive Creative Director: Bas Korsten
Art Directors / Copywriter: Maarten Vrouwes, Friso Ludenhoff
Creative Strategist: Simon van Oldenbeek
Acitvation Producer: Vera Korsten
Digital Director: Jesse Houweling
Digital Producers: Susanne Meier, Elisah Boektje