Big Block directing duo Josh + Vince tap into their CollegeHumor roots with their latest project: a trio of spots for Speed Stick®, featuring John McGinley of Scrubs fame as Coach Speedman – a trusted mentor to basketball lottery picks Brandon Ingram (Los Angeles) and Kris Dunn (Minnesota). Coach Speedman’s tips help equip these top prospects with the skills necessary to conquer decisive life moments with confidence on their road to the pros.
Forming the spots on behalf of Speed Stick®, a Colgate-Palmolive Company owned brand, Josh + Vince highlight several life tips applicable to not just top draft prospects, but for the everyday guy, including making a great first impression, facing adversity, and investing in the future. Lighthearted and catchy, the banter between coach and player is game-on.
In addition to the live action shoot, the design and graphics was handled in-house by Big Block, melding their top design and VFX talent with Josh + Vince’s comedic dialogue chops. The seamlessly integrated graphics in the spots prove that a bit of humor combined with some bright and striking VFX smells just right.
Creative Credits:
Agency: ESPN CreativeWorks
Writer/Producer: Ata Movassaghi
Writer/Art Director: Genta Nakahara
Creative Director: Jay Marrotte
Coordinator: Marissa Gaier
Production / Design and Finishing: Big Block
Directors: Josh + Vince
Executive Producer / Managing Director: Kenny Solomon
Executive Producer / Head of Production (Live): Geno Imbriale
Head of Production VFX: Kay Rough
Creative Director: Shaun Collings
Creative Director: Curtis Doss
Art Director: Philip Bischel
Director of Photography: Mark Plummer
Sr. Producer Design & VFX: Sabrina Mance-Weinstein
CG Super: Scott McNeff
Flame: Ryan Yoshimoto
Finishing Editor: James Boger
Color Correction: James Boger
TD: Albert Soto
Designer/Animator: Philip Bischel
Designer/Animator: Kasey Allen
Designer/Animator: Abigail Fairfax
Designer/Animator: Noha Khashoggi
Designer/Animator: Ricky Elizondo
Designer/Animator: Aaron Evans
Designer/Animator: Fabian Garzon
Offline Edit: Whitehouse Post NYC