Day for day people take countless looks at their watches. Besides the time displayed, nothing really changes. Just imagine a watch that could change the look of its dial every minute! How cool would that be?
In December 2015 Leo Burnett started the „Samsung – Design Your Time“ campaign. We asked our FB community to send in pictures with their personal time of day. The result was stunning. People sent in thousands of pictures so that we could develop a beautiful watch face for Samsung Smartwatch users.
Creative Credits:
Senior Manager Communications: Mario Winter, Director IM Marketing
Projektleiter: Hans Rüster, Social Media Manager
Creative Credits:
Advertised brand: Samsung
Advert title(s): Design Your Time
Samsung – Design Your Time
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Frankfurt, Germany
Agency website: http://www.leoburnett.de
Chief Creative Officer: Andreas Pauli
Executive Creative Director: Christoph Riebling
Creative Director: Benjamin Merkel
Creative Director: Helge Kniess
Senior Coprywriter: Christian Urbanski
Senior Artdirector: Thomas Koch
Design: Michael Fluhr
Client Service Director: Martin Krauter
Group Account Director: Pia Schütz
Creative Technologist: Viktor Kislovskij
Social Media Consultant: Felix Schrader