Via Toronto creative shop UNION, Pizzeria Libretto to Delivers Pizza to Social Media
The scoop — Each pizza on Libretto’s menu was photographed in all its luscious glory and then cropped into nine separate shots. Uploaded and viewed in Instagram’s Grid View, they re-form into individual pizzas. Users can scroll through the entire menu at the flick of a finger. Clicking on each picture brings up a mouth-watering close up as well as a bite-sized piece of information about the quality of the ingredients and the precise attention that go into that specific pizza. By reframing the VPN story into a format and medium our target engages with every day, we were able to deepen customers’ appreciation for what Pizzeria Libretto does and strengthen their connection to the restaurant.
Since the moment it opened on Toronto's Ossington Avenue in 2008 (and on the Danforth in 2011), Pizzeria Libretto has been the “it” spot for pizza in Toronto. Steady crowds of hip, socially-active downtowners have been drawn to its modern spin on the very traditional art of Neapolitan pizza-making.
The restaurants, two of only a handful of pizzerias in Canada to earn certification by the Verace Pizza Napoletana (VPN) Association, had created a literal hunger for VPN-approved pizza in Toronto, they had also created a hunger for more information about the meticulous work and carefully-selected ingredients that go into them. In a bustling restaurant, there was no time or space for servers or menus to give diners the in-depth details they were asking for. The story of traditional care and craft would need to find a modern spin in order to be told.
Toronto advertising agency UNION realized that Instagram, the social media home to seemingly everyone’s food photos, was a natural fit and created Librettogram, to showcase the natural beauty of Libretto’s pizzas and present the story behind them in a way that would resonate with the restaurant’s socially-connected, food-fascinated customers.
Each pizza on Libretto’s menu was photographed in all its luscious glory and then cropped into nine separate shots. Uploaded and viewed in Instagram’s Grid View, they re-form into individual pizzas. Users can scroll through the entire menu at the flick of a finger. Clicking on each picture brings up a mouth-watering close up as well as a bite-sized piece of information about the quality of the ingredients and the precise attention that go into that specific pizza. By reframing the VPN story into a format and medium our target engages with every day, we were able to deepen customers’ appreciation for what Pizzeria Libretto does and strengthen their connection to the restaurant.
Creative Credits:
Campaign: Librettogram
Client: Pizzeria Libretto
Ad Agency: UNION Creative
Executive Creative Director/Partner: Lance Martin
Copywriter/ Associate Creative Director: Mike Takasaki
Art Director/ Associate Creative Director: Glen D’Souza
Account Manager: Rhiannon Enss
Head of Integrated Production: Jen Dark
Production Artist: William Leung
Social Strategist: Alex Avendaño
Photographer: Edward Pond