The list of things that can bring a man to tears just got one line longer with the new Audi RS 7 performance. When you have the chance to press the pedal down on this boosted, four-door sportback, don’t forget the tissues.
Creative Credits:
Advertising Agency: Venables Bell & Partners, USA
Chairman: Paul Venables
Creative Director: Will McGinness
Associate Creative Directors: Matt Miller, Matt Keats
Senior Art Director: Rich North
Senior Copywriter: Ryan Hoercher
Director of Integrated Production: Craig Allen
Executive Producer: Hannah Murray
Account Director: Alexis Lovett
Account Manager: Faire Davidson
Director of Business Affairs: Susan Conklin
Production Company: Park Pictures
EP: Jackie Kelman Bisbee, Mary Ann Marino
Head of Production: Anne Bobroff
Producer: Peter Vitale
Director: AG Rojas
Editorial: Final Cut
Editor: Jeff Buchanan
Executive Producer: Suzy Ramirez
VFX: The Mill
VFX / Lead Flame Artist: James Allen
Senior VFX Producer: Ben Sposato
DP: Andre Chemetoff