The much anticipated Budweiser 2015 Super Bowl ad entitled "Lost Dog" featuring the adorable puppy was released today on YouTube. The commercial also features the song I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) performed by Sleeping At Last and the beautiful Clydesdales.
Anheuser-Busch sent over these facts about "Lost Dog": (via: AdFreaks Tim Nudd)
• Eight puppies—seven females and one male—are featured in the spot, all of which were just 11-12½ weeks old at the time of filming.
• Seven Budweiser Clydesdales underwent training for three months to fine-tune their skills for the ad.
• It was shot at a ranch outside Santa Barbara, Calif., in early December.
• Actor Don Jeanes reprises his role as Budweiser Clydesdale trainer for a third time. Don is originally from Houston and now lives in Los Angeles.

Creative Credits:
Advertising Agency: Anomaly
Director: Jake Scott
Editorial Company: Whitehouse Post
Editor: Rick Lawley
Assistant Editor: Alejandro Villagran
Executive Producer: Lauren Hertzberg
Senior Producer: Melanie Klein