Samsung's Christmas campaign is a mirror of feeling that we all have among us, that no matter how technological the world today, nothing will be more important than the things that really make us happy, in this example especially the blue balloon Shows me how we are human and that the good things and the best of life is in the simple thing that is to live and to share these moments is what matters, that this Christmas is simple and that is human, that in this Christmas on top of any things Let us be happy with what makes us happy.
Advertised brand: Samsung Bolivia
Advert title(s): The Blue Balloon
Headline and copy text (in English): What makes you happy, makes you happy.
Media (see available options below): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EzTQ...
Advertising Agency: Athos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Agency website: http://www.athos.com.bo/
Creative Director: Pablo Leiva, Fernando Fernandes, Matías Ibaceta
Creative: Josue Nuñez
Art Director: Noé Apéstegui, Mauro Sanjinés, Maru Carvallo, Enzo Araya, Angie Torrico, Javier Sameja, Maru Carvallo, Carlos Escudero
Copywriter: Josué Nuñez, Matías Ibaceta
Directora de Cuenta: Chichi Bravo
Ejecutivas: Aily Torres, Leslie Capobianco
Marketing Samsung Bolivia: Barbara Pacheco
Marketing Samsung Bolivia: Elba Perez
Direccion: Juan Carlos Valdivia
Direccion de fotografia: Sebastian Fernandez
Produccion: Mariana Sandoval
Direccion de arte y Vestuario: Mariana Sandoval
Post produccion: Ivan Layme
Musica y post produccion de audio: Jose Antonio Bernedo / Sounder
Fotografia fija: Mateo Caballero
Asistente de direccion: Andres Salinas
Produccion de arte: Marjory Maceres
Asistente de produccion: Veronica Ortiz
Maquillaje y peinado: Romelia Perales
Casting: Macarena Estevez
Primer Asistente de camara: Marcelo Villegas
Segundo de camara: David Ticona
Gaffers: Walter Pacombia, Zacarias Gutierrez, David Laura.
Escenografos: Julio Mamani; Fernando Corasa.
Talento: Anouk Cazalas, Tomas Cazalas, Alejandra Quiroga, Mercedes Estevez.
Catering: Zuchinni