During the Davidson family's tour of Santa's workshop, one of the elves shows them to the back. There, they find Santa watching football and eating cereal in a onesie while FedEx takes care of all the deliveries. Santa attempts to convince them that he delivers the presents himself by showing them his sleigh, but he struggles as he can't quite manage to pull himself up into the seat.
Creative Credits:
Advertising Agency: BBDO, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officers: David Lubars, Greg Hahn
Executive Creative Directors: Peter Kain, Gianfranco Arena
Creative Director / Copywriter: Peter Alsante
Creative Director / Art Director: Matt Nall
Director of Integrated Production: David Rolfe
Group Executive Producer: Amy Wertheimer
Managing Director: Kirsten Flanik
Senior Account Director: Kathryn Brown
Director: Amanda Cruz
Account Manager: Cailin Gibbons
Assistant Account Executive: Taylor Baird
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Aaron Stoller
Managing Director: Shawn Lacy
Executive Producer: Holly Vega
Head of Production: Mercedes Allen-Sarria, Rachel Glaub
Producer: Mala Vasan
Editor: No6
Editor: Jason MacDonald
Producer: Malia Rose
Colorist: Tim Masick from Company 3
Mixer and Sound Designer: Keith Reynaud / Heard City