Justino es guardia de seguridad en una fábrica de maniquíes. Al trabajar en el turno de noche nunca coincide con sus colegas de trabajo, pero irónicamente pasa sus noches rodeado de figuras humanas. Su soledad y sus ganas de compartir le llevan primero a interactuar con los propios maniquíes, y más tarde a comunicarse a través de ellos con sus compañeros del turno de mañana. En su afán por hacer cosas por los demás, Justino se llegará a olvidar de sí mismo pero el destino querrá que sus compañeros no se olviden de él.
Translation: Justin is a security guard in a mannequin factory. When working on the night shift it never matches his colleagues , but ironically spends his nights surrounded by human figures. His loneliness and his desire to share lead him first to interact with mannequins own , and later to communicate through them with his colleagues on the morning shift. In their eagerness to do things for others, Justino will forget self but fate want your teammates do not forget it.
Music: " Nuvole Bianche " Einaudi Ludvico composed and arranged by Joan Martorell.
The making of video below...
Creative Credits:
Ad Agency: Leo Burnett Iberia, Spain
Chief Creative Officer: Juan García-Escudero
Executive Creative Director: Jesús Lada
Digital CD: Iñaki Martí
Creative Supervisors: Ignacio Soria, Arturo Benlloch
Art Directors: Javier López Canle, Sergio García
Client Service Director: Ricardo del Campo
Account Manager: Sara Cubillo
Account: Jesús Álvarez
Head of Digital: Tania Cavada
Account Executive: Sandra Arán
Tech Team: Víctor Moreno, Horacio Panella, Luis Marcano
Producer: Nico Sánchez, Esther García
Production Company: Blur – Passion Pictures
Director: Against all odds
Executive Producer: Mario Fornies
Producer: Pablo García Acon