The internet phenomenon ’humblebragging’ has spread as social media continues to influence our lives. We conceal our efforts to show off by undercutting it with self-pity and the result is both hilarious, adorable and human. And it is fine to be excited about your new flat screen TV. Also to the extent where you want to show it to the whole world, says Bang & Olufsen.
We all know the guy, who solemnly shows how he broke his favorite running shoes, while incidentally completing the NYC marathon in 3:05. Or the disheartened person who presents how inconvenient their convertible comes into play on a rainy autumn day. This isn’t coincidence, but rather ’humblebragging’, as the term coined. And it’s all about subtly letting others know how great your situation is, while masking it in self-deprecating facade.
The new online phenomenon has prompted several studies — all presenting the behavior as a form of self-promotion. However, according to Soeren Schultz Hansen, external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School, who has carried out qualitative studies in digital behavior online, humblebragging is a direct result of the fact that reality has caught up with social media:
”In the first wave, social media was about staging yourself in an extremely positive way. But we’ve all learned that it doesn’t work any longer – reality has in that sense caught up with our digital lives, and the time is now ripe to present a more nuanced image of who we are, an image more in sync with reality. This tendency naturally also applies for boasting – it doesn’t work to brag explicitly neither offline nor online. And that’s why we now try to wrap it in something more digestible by giving it a twist of self-pity”
In a new campaign, Bang & Olufsen has chosen to embrace the phenomenon, as the brand’s products seem ideal for humblebragging.
“When you’ve bought a Bang & Olufsen product, you naturally want to share it with the world around you. We’ve spotted a phenomenon, which is adorable and very human, and it’s obvious how we are all aware not to be too self-important. That’s why we often see, how updates on social media featuring our products are actually ’humblebrags’.
With our new campaign, we want to celebrate the great humblebrag, since it really is a fine art to nail the perfect post or update, where you without appearing as a bragger can show off with your new, cool Bang & Olufsen product,” says Peter Svarre, Director of Marketing at Bang & Olufsen.
Creative Credits:
Agency: Robert/Boisen & LikeMinded
With special thanks to: Søren Christensen, Heinrich Vejlgaard, René Kammersgaard & Gitte Andersen.
Strategist: Søren Christensen
Creative Director: Heinrich Vejlgaard
Art Director: René Kammersgaard
Account Manager: Gitte Andersen
Production company: Gobsmack Productions
Director: Christian Eaglecastle
Producer: Filippa Borg von Bülow
Photo: Snorre Ruhe
Aleksander Hørup
Sofie Borup
Welcome Post
Music: Star Athlete Music & Sound Design
Media Partner: Be On/AOL