The scene is set for drama. Rhythmic music plays as a red-painted truck is chased by a herd of bulls down ancient cobble-stoned streets of Spain. This is the opening of the latest film in the series of Volvo Trucks’ spectacular tests. ‘The Chase’ premiers on YouTube today.
“Having bulls chase the truck through twisting alleys meant the new Volvo FL really had to prove itself. And it did,” says Lars Terling, Vice President Marketing Communications, Volvo Trucks.
In the new film ‘The Chase’ precision driver Rob Hunt, renowned for his part in major Hollywood productions, plays a starring role. His mission is to drive the Volvo FL distribution truck in a race in the medieval Spanish town – chased by several tonnes of bulls. The film also features traditional Spanish bull runners trying to catch the red truck to jump into safety from amongst the bulls.

The stunt is real. “The city is old, the streets are narrow and we drive on slippery cobblestones. To be chased by bulls on top of that is a real challenge,” says Rob Hunt. During the test he had to maintain a speed of at least 30 kilometres an hour just to keep out of the way of the bulls.
“The bulls maintained a consistently high speed and were really close sometimes, but the truck handled the corners very well so it was just a matter of driving,” says Rob Hunt.
#TheChase was shot on closed-off streets in Ciudad Rodrigo, the original city of the bull run, in north-western Spain, with the cooperation of the Mayor and the town’s citizens. It’s directed by Oscar-nominated Henry Alex Rubin, who together with a crew of 250 people and 28 cameras including an octocopter and a 360° camera captured the live event.
“The biggest risk was that we were in a town. It was live and we had to make sure that it was safe for both people and animals. With the big rear mirrors I had a good view of the bulls and the bull runners behind me so I could keep a good safe distance,” says Rob Hunt.
The safety of both people and animals was the top priority during the spectacular event. All necessary safety precautions were taken. ”We wanted to recreate an event inspired by Spanish tradition but in our very own way so no trucks, people or bulls come to any harm,” states Lars Terling.
The soon-to-be-famous bulls have now retired to a farm outside Guadalajara, where they will enjoy their retirement in peace and quiet.