Created by agency Service Plan Gruppe, this epic spot plays on the power of paper. Seemingly insignificant, paper has the power to change the world and write the future. Produced by Wanda Germany and helmed by Ehsan B.
We believe in the power of paper.
We believe that paper has shaped our life and our history and that it will do so in the future.
That paper will evolve and will assert itself because it is more than just a carrier of rational information.
It awakens feelings and memories, expresses our style and is an everlasting proof of beauty and inspiration.
Client: Felix Schoeller Group
Agency: Serviceplan Design, Serviceplan Campaign
TV Department: Neverest GmbH & Co. KG
Agency Producer: Elsa Hoffmann, Aisha Blackwell
Creative Director: Christoph Everke / Marco Savic
Concept: Marc & Ish
Director: Ehsan B
DoP: James Henry
Production: Wanda Germany GmbH
Executive Producer: Mandy Kothe
Line Producer: Julian Brayshaw
Assistant Producer: Lea Schäfer
Postproduction: Harvest Digital Agriculture
Music: Northdog Music Publishing Ltd.
Sounddesign: Harvest Digital Agriculture, Kilian Bohn
Editor: Steven Wilhelm, Sebastian Plamadeala