What happens at home stays at home is the new tagline in this fun new ad for IKEA Italy, the "My Way" spot was done by the Italian creative shop Auge Headquarter in Milan. The song is "Gotta get the World off my Back" by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter.
Vivi a modo tuo. Sentiti libero di fare quello che più ti piace. A casa tua puoi essere come vuoi.
Surprise yourself everyday: this is the claim of the new IKEA Italia campaign.
This film wants to be an invitation to express ourselves, because when we’re at home we can do whatever we want. Ikea won’t tell anybody.
Creative Credits:
Advertising Agency: AUGE HEADQUARTER, Milan Italy
Executive Creative Director: Giorgio Natale, Federica Ariagno
Creative Director: Williams Tattoli, Angelo Pannofino
Art Director: Williams Tattoli
Copywriter: Niccolò Bossi, Angelo Pannofino
Agency producer: Cecilia del Favero
Director: Chris Balmond
Production Company: H Film