Paul Pogba has always done things his own way since day one, a born Creator. From his childhood in France, to his return to Manchester United, he has made his own rules. Refusing to be anyone but himself and always bringing creativity and imagination to the game. Football needs creators. And Paul Pogba is the proof.
Advertising Agency: 72andSunny, Los Angeles, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Glenn Cole
Executive Creative Director: Jason Norcross
Group Creative Director: Frank Hahn
Creative Director: Josh Fell, Chris Hutchinson
Senior Designer: Gerardo Ortiz
Writer: Ray Smiling
Chief Production Officer: Tom Dunlap
Group Production Director: Nicole Haase
Executive Film Producer: Jim Haight
Film Producer: Eric Rasco
Production Coordinator: Erika Ruiz
Group Brand Director: James Stephens
Brand Director: Audrey Huber
Brand Manager: Scott Swindler
Brand Coordinator: Jack Young
Group Strategy Director: Matt Johnson
Senior Strategist: Marc Pardy
Junior Strategist: Bogart Avila