Why is it that so many car brands rely on tired clichés and questionable performances from actors to sell their cars? Maybe their ads come standard with all of those things because their cars don’t come standard with much at all?
Just when you think you’ve seen every European car ad (or at least the same one over and over with a different logo), here’s one that might surprise you.
The Credits:
Ad Agency: DDB Sydney
Chief Creative Officer: Toby Talbot/Ben Welsh
Copywriter: Sam Pascoe
Art Director: Jason Woelfl
Managing Partner: Amanda Wheeler
Creative Partner: Steve Jackson, Ant Melder, Michael Barnfield
Production Company/Post Production: Finch
Producer: Sarah Cook
Director: Jae Morrison
Editorial and Online: Tim Mauger
Music Agency: Nylon Studios
Sound Design: Stuart Welch
Media Agency: Mediacom