Motorola and creative ad agency Droga5 are back with another new ad from the MotoX "Lazy Phone" campaign, this time Sofia and her lazy phone accessorize with the Moto Maker. See the previous 3 Lazy Phone spots HERE.
Design a Moto X as unique as you are, with more than 2,000 combinations to choose from. Leave the bedazzling for the lazy phones. Design yours now: http://goo.gl/KCAmsp
Creative Ad Agency: Droga5, New York
Creative Chairman: David Droga
CCO: Ted Royer
ECD: Neil Heymann
GCD: Mike Long
CD: Scott Bell, Tim Gordon
Head of Integrated Production: Sally-Ann Dale
Head of Broadcast Production: Ben Davies
Production Assistant: Goldie Robbens
Production Company: Furlined
Director: Speck and Gordon