PayPal's latest ad entitled "Voices" is a dizzy disaster that should have been called 1 Million Faces.
We Are The People,
who have built a whole new place to live, dream and be.
We employ ourselves, and vote with our money.
Our phone is our wallet.
We can spend Bitcoin with a tap, without a pocket
We can buy and sell and rent and send
And lend a twenty to a friend
from the coffee bar and share-car, We Are
unstoppable, with our thumbs.
Just One Touch to buy just about anything.
No need for filling billing info time-after-time
or remember password rhymes
to get that dress, a cabin, a concert ticket.
We live on all devices, and are as mobile as nature intended.
No need to send any details or data,
Not even when we pay each other.
We have magical money, not bound by bank or bill
It’s instant, simple, and secure enough,
to get out of the way.
Consider yourself invited to 'The People Economy'