When the accounting dept. from Red Energy decide to celebrate a work anniversary with virtual reality headsets and endless supplies of psychedelic drinks, the party takes an unexpected turn for the worst.
Band: Red Axes
Record Label: Permanent Vacation
Director: Greg Barth
Production Company: Blinkink
Executive Producer: Bart Yates
Executive Producer: Guy Dreifuss
Co-Producer: Premiere Heure
Post Production: Blinkink Studio
Character Design: Jack Sachs
CG: Jack Sachs, Gustaf Lindstrom, Felip Docolomansky, Simone Gilhardotti, Raphael Huot, Sarah Nielsen, Patrick Hearn, Nick Turner.
Art Collective & Innovation Lab: Phenomena Labs
Technical Supervisor: Ronen Tanchum
Technical Director: Ben Benhorin
Producer on location: Avi Banon, Ronen Tanchum
Camera B: Damien Dufresne
Art: Tom Melnick, Tal Baltuch
Art assistant: Gal Melnick
Thanks: Aya Hecht, Maccabee Beer
1st AD: Tom Uziel
Styling: Maya Lebovich
Edit: James Rosen @ Final Cut
Sound Mix: Fred Pearson @ Final Cut
Thanks to: Utopia Studios, Light Box Studios, GoEco,
Actors: Yoni Tal, Shahaf Shriki, Ran Tenenbaum, Abrao Levin, Maor Bogin, Daniella Kaplan, Ron Sadovnik, Nimrod Rotem, Gabi Tsirlin, Eylon Yoeli, Asaf Samuel, Evyatar Sagie, Ronen's Mum, Israel Tsirlin.