Barilla and Guido Barilla beg for forgiveness in a video released this morning on YouTube. Guiene or is he just trying to save his families business?
"At Barilla, we take care of everyone, without distinction as to race, religion, faith, gender or sexual orientation." Is the beginning of a statement issued by Barilla Spa, which concludes as follows: "To all the people — friends, family, employees and business partners — who have felt touched or offended, we sincerely apologize."
"Our mission — continues the statement of Barilla Spa, drawn up after the statements by President Guido Barilla on the idea of family company to be represented in the commercials — is to help the people, every single person, to live better, bringing every day in their life, well-being and joy of eating well. We value and respect the family, understood as an entity that includes everyone. As stated in the 'Barilla Lighthouse', our strategy document, promote diversity. The diversity in all its forms, is a clear goal that the company is responsible."
'Barilla — continues the company — recognizes the diversity, cultural, gender and skills, are key values for the welfare of the company. Integrity, inclusion, social and environmental responsibility are the values in which we see represented Barilla, the result of a strong and recognized worldwide. Barilla believes that, to qualify their business activities as ethical business should be conducted with respect for and protection of human rights, renewable energy sources and welfare of the community, while promoting sustainable development for the present and future."
"The objectives of Barilla — also highlights the company — go beyond the produce high quality, good for the people. We also want to take care of the planet, concentrating the growth of our business on those foods that have less impact on the environment. Take a cue from the recent episode to learn, and to promote even greater commitment — the statement concludes — the path of diversity that Barilla has undertaken." via: Il Mattino, Italy.