A weak currency is generally tough to deal with, so why not find a way to leverage it to the benefit of others? That's the perspective marketing and communications agency Zenergy Communications took when developing their Look North, eh? campaign.
With the Canadian dollar hovering around 75 cents US, the Toronto headquartered firm created a promotional campaign offering their integrated, wide ranging services to American companies, with prices fixed at the exchange rate of the day a contract is signed no matter what the duration (some exclusions apply).
The campaign uses some of Canada's most iconic symbols to encourage American businesses to take advantage of the loonie while the value is low. You can check out the campaign on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and on the Zenergy blog and website. Also, as part of the Look North, eh? initiative, Zenergy wrote a Buzzfeed post showcasing some of the quirky things that Canadians are known for.
With the increasing conversation surrounding the benefits of Canada, along with the recent successes of our sports teams (We the North!), Zenergy wanted to emphasize yet another thing Canada has that Americans can look north for: superior and cost-effective marketing services.