Apparently space is at a real premium these days at Toronto’s Gladstone Hotel, a boutique art lodging preparing to host a juried exhibition – If Walls Could Talk – this month on its second floor gallery and public spaces. On Monday morning, the hotel and agency Zulu Alpha Kilo tried the solution of pushing the contents of a hotel room about a 15-minute walk from its Queen Street West location to Trinity-Bellwoods Park. The guerrilla marketing stunt was short lived but perhaps will spark discussion around replacing transit shelters in the city with beds for power-napping while commuters wait for a streetcar.
Creative Credits:
Brand: Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Canada
Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Creative Director: Zak Mroueh
Writer: George Ault
Art Director: Ari Elkouby, Grant Cleland
Account Team: Niki Bartl
Print Producer: Kate Spencer Production Artists: Greg Heptinstall, Jamie Morren
Photographer: Andi Larocca, Jamie Morren
Original story scooped via: Matthew Chung at Stimulant Online