Whaaaaaat? Lil Wayne’s Galaxy S7 still works, even after he pours champagne on it. Samsung's marketing for its newest phones, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, is in full swing, and the latest spots feature Lil Wayne and Wesley Snipes. In one of the Wieden & Kennedy created spots Wesley Snipes just happens to be in Wayne's living room as he's delivering a baby elephant.
The only time it’s ok to ignore Wesley Snipes is when you’re Lil Wayne delivering a baby elephant with the Galaxy S7 and Gear VR.
Lil Wayne in a canoe with Wesley Snipes.
Creative Credits:
Agency: Wieden & Kennedy
CD: Craig Allen
Director: Matt Aselton
CD: Jason Bagley
Production Company: Arts & Sciences
Copywriter: Andy Laugenour
Art Director: Croix Gagnon
Integrated Executive Producer: Erika Madison
Senior Producer: Alexei van Mourik
Production Company: Arts & Sciences
Director: Matt Aselton
EP: Marc Marrie
Line Producer: Zoe Odlum
DOP: Toby Irwin
Editorial: Arcade
Editor: Greg Scruton
Editor: Geoff Hounsell
Post Producer: Adam Becht
Post Executive Producer: Nicole Visram
VFX: The Mill
VFX Supervisor: Glyn Tebbutt
Flame Lead: Robin McGloin
Flame Artist: Brad Scott
Flame Artist: Narbeh Mardirossian