Gocompare.com has launched a TV campaign that introduces viewers to the town of LlandofsavingmoneyandgettingtherightdealgogoGoCompare. The Llandofsavingmoney is a bustling centre where everyone works hard to find customers the right deals on a wide range of products.
Building on the previous advert where we see the journey of tourists arriving at Llandofsavingmoney, the new ads show the group being shown around the town by Julie, the tour guide. The ads introduce different locations and people within the town itself, supporting specific products throughout the ad.
Kevin Hughes, chief marketing officer at Gocompare.com, said: “The campaign continues to bring to life the many different comparison services Gocompare.com offers, with an emphasis on putting our customers first. Our town continues to unfold and we look forward to inviting everyone into our world.”
Ryan Newey, the executive creative director of Fold7, said: “The new spot 'tour' is the first time we get to take a look around the town of Llandofsavingmoney. It’s a whistle-stop tour featuring many of the products and services Gocompare.com offers. The ad is packed with details we hope customers will enjoy spotting. Life at the town is slowly unfolding and we look forward to introducing some of the inhabitants in coming months.”

Image courtesy Fold7
Creative Credits:
Client: Gocompare.com
Medium: TV
Creative director: Ryan Newey
Art director: Dom Martin
Account director: Jolene Williams
Agency producer: Sam Balderstone
Director: Jeff Stark
Production company: Another Film Company
Post-production: The Mill